Mar 13, 2022Liked by Tammrae

Great article. It is evident that a huge amount of thought and discernment has been involved at many levels to make sense of the madness in it all and describe what you think is really going on. It will be the greatest Sting of all time if you are correct. :-) Bravo!!

This begs a couple of questions.... a) Did you take the vaxx/boosters; if not, why not? b) I assume that "the mark" is in reference to the "mark of the beast" in Revelations and many feel the vaxx is "the mark". If the vaxx is only "low level bad" as all vaxxes are, as you indicate in your other writings here, and the vaxx is part of the solution, why make reference to "the mark" in the title of this article, and in your Twitch handle.

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Thanks for your compliment and questions! No, I didn't take the vax because I got Covid in March 2020 and it turned into long Covid, which I still have after two years. That's the CNS/HIV part of SARS-CoV-2.

The Mark of the Beast will involve transhuman embedded technology of some kind that will be placed on hands or foreheads and will be required for all financial transactions; Isaiah 28 and Ezekiel 13-14 both seem to indicate that the prototype mark will involve virtual reality. The vaxx itself is not the Mark, but it may be the vehicle for delivering the Mark in the future. Since the Mark will be introduced by the Antichrist at the halfway point of the Tribulation, Christians who were Raptured won't have to make the choice to take it or not, but people who come to believe in Christ after the Rapture will, and it will be a hard choice between taking the Mark or dying; those who stand firm to the end will be the Tribulation saints, and will be resurrected and rewarded at the end of the Tribulation. That is why I use "Don't Take The Mark" for my Twitch handle and Substack blog title, hoping current non-believers who miss the Rapture will remember it when the time comes. For more about my thoughts on this, see my first article, Are there Two Marks Described in Prophecy?

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Thanks for the followup and details. I will give the article you referenced a read. Thanks!

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Amazing article! I will be reading this several times to discern properly. Thank you!

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